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Tony Todorova

Research Associate
Tony (she/her) is one of our Research Associates.
Project Affiliation:
Cross-Sectoral Solutions: Strengthening Community Capacity to Address the โ€œParallel Pandemicโ€ of Gender-Based Violence-Related Traumatic Brain Injury through a Survivor-Led Support Intervention

Tony’s Biography

Tony (she/her) holds a Bachelor of Health Sciences from McMaster University and a Master of Arts in Bioethics from Case Western Reserve University.ย  She merges her experiences in academic and clinical research with her work in non-profit settings to support programs seeking to address health inequities. Her experiences studying post-traumatic stress disorder and living in the Balkan diaspora inform her approach to this work. She deeply believes that lived experience should be at the core and forefront of this work and is thrilled to be contribute to an organization where the same value is held and realized.

“A drop carves a stone not with force, but with perseverance.”

– Bulgarian proverb

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