
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

womenatthecentre spark_
WomenatthecentrE Service

SPARK: Survivor-led Practices for Awareness, Respect, and Knowledge

Our SPARK corporate certification is a unique training program that certifies your team in:
Defining and recognizing gender-based violence (including domestic and intimate partner violence)
Supporting colleagues who may be experiencing or perpetrating gender-based violence
Creating and maintaining a trauma-informed and consent-based workplace and culture

Developing and implementing tools, practices and policies to better support survivors and create a safe(r) workplace

Program Design

SPARK is a two-day comprehensive workshop delivered to your workforce by WomenatthecentrEโ€™s trained facilitators. These interactive sessions will provide participants with a foundation to:

  • Better understand gender-based violence (GBV) within the systemic and workforce contexts, train folks to understand, address and prevent GBV in the workplace
  • Provide guidance on how to foster a trauma-informed workplace
  • Offer tools to effectively engage and support survivors and address harm, and
  • Support team members in understanding and practicing self-care, community care and advocacy.


Standard level is attained once 70% of your workforce is certified.


Encompasses Standard, plus our facilitation of the upgrade of internal policies such as GBV-related Standard Operating Procedures, adherence to provincial legislation, and more.


Encompasses Essentials, plus our facilitation of the creation & adoption of comprehensive internal policies such as tailored employee safety plans, access to customized resources, industry benchmarking, and more.

Our program can be tailored to address your company’s needs upon request! This can include:


Shortened non-certification training


Training offered over an extended period of time, rather than a full 2-day event


The addition of specific modules, content and skill building that better reflects your workplace's current needs

Become Certified in SPARK

Contact our team to learn about what we can provide for your workforce! Let’s create safe(r) spaces together!

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