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Kiah Adefarakan-Dixon

B-WGGDT/Truth and Transformation Team Member
Kiah (she/her) is a Team Member for the B-WGGDT/Truth and Transformation initiative.
Project Affiliation:
Truth & Transformation: Advancing Gender Equity For Black Women, Girls And Gender Diverse, and Trans Peoples In Canada Initiative (B-WGGDT)

Kiah’s Biography

Kiah is a member of the Truth and Transformation Movement and/or B-WGGD team, with a primary focus in advancing gender equity for Black girls, and gender diverse youth. She is very passionate about youth work, especially with young Black girls whose intersecting identities shape their everyday experiences and encounters.

As she was once a young girl who did not understand her encounters with misogynoir (a term coined by Black feminist Moya Bailey, outlining the specific experiences of Black women and girls with anti-Black racism and sexism), she is extremely grateful to be a part of the Truth and Transformation movement, which centres the unique experiences of Black women, girls, and gender diverse peoples.

She wholeheartedly supports any work and/or movement that works to disrupt conventional discourses that shape anti-Black racism, and gender inequity/sexism as separate and distinct. Hopeful for the future, she is excited to learn and grow with this team, taking her knowledge acquired through WomenatthecentrE, and her own life experiences, and applying it to her daily practices.

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