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Ivy Muriuki

Research Associate
Ivy is one of our Research Associates.
Project Affiliation:
Cross-Sectoral Solutions: Strengthening Community Capacity to Address the โ€œParallel Pandemicโ€ of Gender-Based Violence-Related Traumatic Brain Injury through a Survivor-Led Support Program

Ivy’s Biography

Ivy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies/Sociology as well as a Master of Arts in Global Governance from the University of Waterloo. Her research leveraged feminist and anti-racist perspectives to examine international law and policy. She is an accomplished data and policy analyst with experience in non-profit, government and corporate sectors. Her recent experience in supporting the operations of community-based housing services through program evaluation informs her approach to this role. Ivy is passionate about the need for accessible, effective, and well-being-oriented public programs and services. In her spare time, she enjoys swimming, singing and reading on her balcony.
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. โ€” Maya Angelou
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